Alright, this will be a fairly quick post I think, of course you do know how I tend to ramble... but I did promise you at least one post a week, so here goes!
First, Tuesday was a lovely day, and as Tuesdays are also generally my busiest day, or at least the day I have the most walking about campus, I kept my eyes peeled for photo locations... but to no avail. There is no place private on this campus! Seriously. Perhaps I am just too sheepish... but instead I'll just have to stick with room photos for now. I did try to take advantage of the natural light coming in from my windows a bit, even if it means you see more of my mess. My roommate's bookshelf actually used to be behind where I'm standing but it was very cheap and from target and recently collapsed! So that pile of books, as well as the blue bed to my right, your left, are hers, while the crazy bulletin board and everything around it on the other side is mine. And yes, that's my bed up there, right under the hatched egg...

{threadless tee, american apparel skirt, really really old old navy belt, tights - ?, vintage boots}
I thought this outfit looked a little witchy on the bottom... but I kind of liked that, and I'm glad I found another way to wear my green tights which always seem to pose a bit of a challenge. The witchy-ness also ended up being very appropriate for stage makeup class, especially after I changed into a black shirt. We were doing animal makeups this week and I was my cat!
I also now have a lot of the photos from that class on my computer and hope to share them with you soon ;)
Oh, and my shirt says "You know, sometimes I feel pretty average." I think it's hilarious, the bears are wearing hats and ties if you can't tell, and it's one of only a very few graphic tees (besides my KD shirts) that I still wear, but it generally seems to confuse others. haha
Then yesterday's outfit--a little sailor inspired, though it ended up being not so good because it was so windy and the bottom of my dress kept getting blown all over the place!

{h&m button down shirt, target dress, bitten headband, tights - ?, navy keds}
I feel like I look kind of creepy in this photo... hah. Perhaps it's the dark circles under my eyes? For some reason I hardly slept at all Sunday and Monday nights of this past week... I can't explain why :/
In other news... I got the summer internship I applied for with The Public Theater! That's right folks, Shakespeare in the Park... and not just any park, Central Park, at the Delacorte theater! I am so very excited. Out of the billion internships it feels like I applied for this was probably my first choice... and now I'm turning down other interviews and offers... so exciting! (Though I did just got a call from Signature theater for an interview for their artistic intern position and it was the first one that I was a bit sad to turn down... but there's always next summer... and who can say no to a summer in the park?) Of course, this probably means a summer of shorts and sneakers, late nights and little free time, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
And finally, I've been working on my lighting lab project and finally chose a song to light... which is a good thing since I'm scheduled to go into the light lab this evening from 5 to 7. I decided on using a 3-ish minute chunk of the Firebird Suite (the very end) and made my choice by watching copious amounts of Fantasia on youtube last night. We actually also played the piece in band in high school, I can't remember exactly when. Anyway, if you've never seen Fantasia and/or heard the firebird, I really suggest you check it out... and none of this Fantasia 2000 crap either... I'm talking the real Fantasia. ;)
Anyway... so much for a short post, right?
Time for me to nap, and work on some juggling and a monologue.
First, Tuesday was a lovely day, and as Tuesdays are also generally my busiest day, or at least the day I have the most walking about campus, I kept my eyes peeled for photo locations... but to no avail. There is no place private on this campus! Seriously. Perhaps I am just too sheepish... but instead I'll just have to stick with room photos for now. I did try to take advantage of the natural light coming in from my windows a bit, even if it means you see more of my mess. My roommate's bookshelf actually used to be behind where I'm standing but it was very cheap and from target and recently collapsed! So that pile of books, as well as the blue bed to my right, your left, are hers, while the crazy bulletin board and everything around it on the other side is mine. And yes, that's my bed up there, right under the hatched egg...

{threadless tee, american apparel skirt, really really old old navy belt, tights - ?, vintage boots}
I thought this outfit looked a little witchy on the bottom... but I kind of liked that, and I'm glad I found another way to wear my green tights which always seem to pose a bit of a challenge. The witchy-ness also ended up being very appropriate for stage makeup class, especially after I changed into a black shirt. We were doing animal makeups this week and I was my cat!
I also now have a lot of the photos from that class on my computer and hope to share them with you soon ;)
Oh, and my shirt says "You know, sometimes I feel pretty average." I think it's hilarious, the bears are wearing hats and ties if you can't tell, and it's one of only a very few graphic tees (besides my KD shirts) that I still wear, but it generally seems to confuse others. haha
Then yesterday's outfit--a little sailor inspired, though it ended up being not so good because it was so windy and the bottom of my dress kept getting blown all over the place!

{h&m button down shirt, target dress, bitten headband, tights - ?, navy keds}
I feel like I look kind of creepy in this photo... hah. Perhaps it's the dark circles under my eyes? For some reason I hardly slept at all Sunday and Monday nights of this past week... I can't explain why :/
In other news... I got the summer internship I applied for with The Public Theater! That's right folks, Shakespeare in the Park... and not just any park, Central Park, at the Delacorte theater! I am so very excited. Out of the billion internships it feels like I applied for this was probably my first choice... and now I'm turning down other interviews and offers... so exciting! (Though I did just got a call from Signature theater for an interview for their artistic intern position and it was the first one that I was a bit sad to turn down... but there's always next summer... and who can say no to a summer in the park?) Of course, this probably means a summer of shorts and sneakers, late nights and little free time, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
And finally, I've been working on my lighting lab project and finally chose a song to light... which is a good thing since I'm scheduled to go into the light lab this evening from 5 to 7. I decided on using a 3-ish minute chunk of the Firebird Suite (the very end) and made my choice by watching copious amounts of Fantasia on youtube last night. We actually also played the piece in band in high school, I can't remember exactly when. Anyway, if you've never seen Fantasia and/or heard the firebird, I really suggest you check it out... and none of this Fantasia 2000 crap either... I'm talking the real Fantasia. ;)
Anyway... so much for a short post, right?
Time for me to nap, and work on some juggling and a monologue.