Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Firebird Suite

Alright, this will be a fairly quick post I think, of course you do know how I tend to ramble... but I did promise you at least one post a week, so here goes!

First, Tuesday was a lovely day, and as Tuesdays are also generally my busiest day, or at least the day I have the most walking about campus, I kept my eyes peeled for photo locations... but to no avail. There is no place private on this campus! Seriously. Perhaps I am just too sheepish... but instead I'll just have to stick with room photos for now. I did try to take advantage of the natural light coming in from my windows a bit, even if it means you see more of my mess. My roommate's bookshelf actually used to be behind where I'm standing but it was very cheap and from target and recently collapsed! So that pile of books, as well as the blue bed to my right, your left, are hers, while the crazy bulletin board and everything around it on the other side is mine. And yes, that's my bed up there, right under the hatched egg...

{threadless tee, american apparel skirt, really really old old navy belt, tights - ?, vintage boots}

I thought this outfit looked a little witchy on the bottom... but I kind of liked that, and I'm glad I found another way to wear my green tights which always seem to pose a bit of a challenge. The witchy-ness also ended up being very appropriate for stage makeup class, especially after I changed into a black shirt. We were doing animal makeups this week and I was my cat!
I also now have a lot of the photos from that class on my computer and hope to share them with you soon ;)

Oh, and my shirt says "You know, sometimes I feel pretty average." I think it's hilarious, the bears are wearing hats and ties if you can't tell, and it's one of only a very few graphic tees (besides my KD shirts) that I still wear, but it generally seems to confuse others. haha

Then yesterday's outfit--a little sailor inspired, though it ended up being not so good because it was so windy and the bottom of my dress kept getting blown all over the place!

{h&m button down shirt, target dress, bitten headband, tights - ?, navy keds}

I feel like I look kind of creepy in this photo... hah. Perhaps it's the dark circles under my eyes? For some reason I hardly slept at all Sunday and Monday nights of this past week... I can't explain why :/

In other news... I got the summer internship I applied for with The Public Theater! That's right folks, Shakespeare in the Park... and not just any park, Central Park, at the Delacorte theater! I am so very excited. Out of the billion internships it feels like I applied for this was probably my first choice... and now I'm turning down other interviews and offers... so exciting! (Though I did just got a call from Signature theater for an interview for their artistic intern position and it was the first one that I was a bit sad to turn down... but there's always next summer... and who can say no to a summer in the park?) Of course, this probably means a summer of shorts and sneakers, late nights and little free time, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

And finally, I've been working on my lighting lab project and finally chose a song to light... which is a good thing since I'm scheduled to go into the light lab this evening from 5 to 7. I decided on using a 3-ish minute chunk of the Firebird Suite (the very end) and made my choice by watching copious amounts of Fantasia on youtube last night. We actually also played the piece in band in high school, I can't remember exactly when. Anyway, if you've never seen Fantasia and/or heard the firebird, I really suggest you check it out... and none of this Fantasia 2000 crap either... I'm talking the real Fantasia. ;)

Anyway... so much for a short post, right?
Time for me to nap, and work on some juggling and a monologue.

Friday, March 20, 2009

If I were a bell I'd go ding dong, ding dong ding!

Hmm... do you ever think up blog entries all nice and eloquent sounding in your head and then more things happen and you have more to say and it gets all jumbled up and you don't know where to start? Well, that's what's happened here so we'll see what I can do ;)

I suppose we'll start with the origins of today's outfit. I've done a little shopping over break, but not a ton. I did however finally get that skirt from American Apparel that everyone and their mom has, and let me tell you I am so glad I did! I need one of my friend's to start working there though so I can have a discount and buy more in different colors. It is just so excellent and versatile, I wore it for the first time today and have to say that if I had to wear one item every day, this might be it. Anyway, enough raving about that skirt because I bet you all know how fantastic it is already, and on to more interesting things:

In addition to getting the skirt (and two pairs of bike shorts- good for wearing under summer dresses when I still want to ride my bike around campus) at American Apparel I also did a little bit of thrifting. I went to one shop on 3rd avenue near my house and got a belt and a pair of too big for me (on purpose) jeans. They are great and comfy and nice when rolled up and worn low. However, today I thought I would try rocking them high waisted and they almost worked, but I wasn't quite sure. I had to belt them in quite a lot but if they had been my right waist size they would have been way tight in the thighs (a problem I often have) and a totally different look... so maybe high waisted jeans just isn't a look I can pull off. It seems to be a fine line between fashion and mom jeans and since I couldn't decide what side of the line I fell on with the outfit... I changed into the magic AA skirt, haha.

Anyway, in much more exciting thrifting news, some of you may know I have been looking for a trench coat for quite a while now. Well, I went to my local goodwill which is usually pretty crappy but I figured it was worth a browse since I still had some time to kill before getting my bangs trimmed. Well, I saw a trench coat on the rack, my eyes lit up and I took it down and tried it on and turns out it was from H&M and too small. Alas. Then, I had an awkward moment and came across this:

{please excuse all the crappy cell phone pictures in this post,
I sadly did not have my camera while I was out shopping on Tuesday, silly me}

Why is this awkward you ask? Well I had to take a silly camera phone outfit picture to show you why:

{target dress and shoes , tights - a gift from my mom a long time ago,
j.crew sweater, cirque de soleil bag, H&M coat}

Yes, that's right folks, me and the dress hanging on the end of the rack (no I didn't move it there, it was right next to the mirror where I was trying on coats) were wearing the same thing.... well, uh, you know what I mean. You say I can't have an awkward moment with an article of clothing? Psh, if that dress could talk I know it would say, "who do you think you're wearing." Haha, ok... well, I thought it was amusing, alright? I guess not really that surprising considering the dress is from target, but still.

Another amusing thing that happened that day:

The bagel place had green bagels for St. Patty's day! haha! ew...

Anyway, back to goodwill. I came across this cutie:

and contemplated buying it. I'm still a little sad to have left it behind, but I left goodwill that day with the trench coat to end all trench coats, the trench coat of my dreams! When I was trying it on in the store, trying to decide between it and the coat above (my goodwill isn't cheap enough that I could get both, it's NYC, the goodwill coats are $20, but my trench was oh so worth it!) an old woman walked buy and told me the trench looked really good on me. haha.

Anyway, I got the trench, and was able to get some good shots of it today :)

Yes, it has a hood (which buttons off!) and full skirt and other awesome details and everything. I am in trench coat heaven.

Oh, and here's what is hiding underneath my facade of being a super cool Audrey Hepburn-like spy:

{H&M blue button down, urban purple tank, j.crew sweater, just thrifted belt,
American Apparel skirt, target tights, vintage boots}

And yes, this outfit does include brown, black, and navy blue. Deal with it. (The tights are actually navy and black houndstooth I believe, so blame them, haha)

p.s. notice my bangs are significantly shorter in these pictures than in the ones above? Haha, yes, I can see again!

Anyway, where did I go in my awesome new coat
(Can you tell I'm kind of enamored with it?) with my fairly newfound ability to see? Well, an old friend and I tried to get tickets to this but they sadly were not doing student rush today so instead we ended up getting standing room to this. While I agree with the reviewers who said the production was less than fantastic and the actors lacked chemistry with each other (kind of ironic if you are at all familiar with the show...) I did really enjoy it. It is such a fun show and it was definitely enjoyable and had some (actually a lot of, but maybe I'm just easily amused) hilarious moments and a great show stopping number (Rocking the Boat).

ALSO, although my feet were a little tired, standing room meant we were right near the exit and got to be right in front at the stage door to meet who? The lovely Lauren Graham of Gilmore Girls fame! I grew up on that show and man I love her, she is so funny! And she was a very entertaining and hilarious (though again, not absolutely fantastic) Adelaide.

I let a little bit of my inner fan girl out (I'm usually a bit too embarassed to let her show) and got Ms. Graham's autograph (though I do always get my playbills signed... I'm still lusting after Mary Louise Parker's autograph from Hedda... alas) and snapped this picture. Ah, Lauren Graham is so great and was really nice and funny in person too, and although she didn't take individual pictures with anyone she explained to us that was because she wanted to get around and sign everyone's playbills ;) Anyway, happy times.

Alright kudos to anyone who actually read all of this. I know most of you probably just looked at the pictures and then when you got to the one of Lauren Graham maybe paused to read what it was about. Haha, it's ok, I would have done that too.

Anyway, in closing: my flickr is officially full so until I decide it's worth paying for it I will be using a combination of picnik and photobucket for my pictures, so if anyone finds they have trouble viewing anything, let me know. Also, I am going to set a goal of at least one post a week from now on, I think that is semi-reasonable for myself, but we shall see. And finally, I am going to try and find some good outdoor photo locations for taking pics up at school, though it's kind of hard to find a secluded spot on a campus of 13,000 (and I'm embarassed to run into someone I know while I'm photographing myself, haha) ... especially when you still don't have a tripod and therefore need somewhere to balance your camera. haha.

Well, anyway, goodninght,

and regards,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Color Block

So the weeks from hell are over, and I have returned! I'm on spring break now, and while I'm still a busy bee, I actually have time for blogging again, hooray! However, I have to admit that I've been afraid to check on my bloglines... for fear that the quantity of unread posts will crash my computer! haha. But I will catch up at least somewhat- I promise. But until I do, I at least have a few things to show you:

Thing 1:
Fabulous gift bow headband. Confession: I did not actually wear this to class with the outfit pictured, I wore it for an "anything but clothes" party with a dress I made out of plastic bags and stuck small gift bows all over. However, the big bow headband was too fab not to show off, even if I'm too much of a wimp to rock it in everyday life. I'm thinking I might make a medium sized one to actually wear though. This giant bow now resides on my wall at school.

{old KD shirt--a gift from my big big, second hand and reconned skirt,
giant bow headband made by me, black leggings and boots - ?}

Thing 2:
Floral docs. I finally found an affordable pair of floral docs in my size on ebay. I'm a little bit in love with them and get lots of compliments on them too. Although I have a feeling some of them may be the kind of compliments you give the girl in the neon orange parka just because she stands out so much that you feel the need to comment. haha. But that's ok with me.

{excuse the horrendous mess in the background, though I did think it made for kind of a fun picture...
I bet you can spot a lot of recognizable items, I Spy anyone?}

Thing 3:
Today's outfit... and a picture taken outdoors! OMG. I took these this evening on my roof. I was very primary today by nature of my trying to pack light--I mostly packed neutral colors (blue is neutral, right? haha) and my red cardigan. The blazer is one that my mom and I share and resides at home. I ended up grabbing it today since it was definitely too warm for my green jacket--hooray! I even sat outside and read a little of A Servant of Two Masters in the park since I was a bit early going to see my friend as the lovely Emily Arden in CAP21's production of State Fair.

{headband by me, urban striped top, vintage cardigan, target blazer, secondhand reconned skirt,
white tights - ?, vintage boots, and [title of show] bag}

Thing 4:
My costume design sketches for Tartuffe! Our costume unit ended about a week or so before break... I think... it feels so long ago I can't even remember. Though now we are on to lighting so I won't really be able to take a picture of that to share with you, haha.

Anyway... guess I'm off to catch up on blogs. Uh... maybe... don't blame me for being afraid!! haha


Oh, P.S. speaking of costumes, have you folks seen Australia? I watched it tonight and it was amazing, though long, and Nicole Kidman's outfits were absolutely to die for!