I really like Mary's little "I wore, I thought, I saw" format, it's very nice and straightforward, so I'm going to try a little something like it, though I mostly have a lot of "I saw" and a little of "I wore."
So, I saw:
Thursday: my old high school's band concert and a lot of old friends. My old band teacher is retiring and a lot of alum came out to support him. It was really nice and afterwords a bunch of us (including our old yearbook teacher) went to our favorite local diner... and our old teach paid for our food on the school's dime! Haha, shush, don't tell :o

photo credits: school website, wikipedia
Friday: my old crew of high school friends for a sleepover in forest hills. We made sandwiches with brie, apple, and caramelized onions as well as chocolate banana boats. Yum.

photo credit: another print please
Saturday: Exit the King, my first Ionesco, which was SO fantastic, brilliant and absurd. I loved it and highly recommend it to anyone looking to see a really interesting, unique, and moving play which is both funny and terribly sad at the same time. The NY Times review does a better job than I can in describing it.

Geoffery Rush and Susan Sarandon

Lauren Ambrose and Andrea Martin

pictures: Exit the King on Broadway
I waited for them all at the stage door and they were just as wonderful in person as on stage. I got autographs and saw Susan Sarandon's whole fam, complete with a cute little white puppy dog and learned that Andrea Martin rides her bike to and from work - just like me! Also, Lauren Ambrose has played both Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) and Ophelia (Hamlet) at Shakespeare in the Park, where I am working this summer, and I think I officially want to be her.
Sunday: a great friend from school who just got back from Rome. We had lunch at Eli's, I satisfied my craving for a rainbow sprinkle cone, we wandered about and tried to see UP with two other friends, but it was all sold out. Movies are too expensive for me here anyway... $12.50, really? I just saw a freakin' Broadway show for only $26.50!

photos: Eli's Vinegar Factory, Pardon Me for Asking, The Girl Who Ate Everything, wikipedia
Also, I've been running into people left and right the past few days! I love how small this city is sometimes.
I Wore:

{vintage blouse, second hand reconned skirt, hand painted silk scarf, target sandals}
The blouse was my Aunt's way long ago, she bought it in Mexico when she was a teen, and gave it to me four or five years ago. It has the most gorgeous hand embroidery (I should have taken a close up) and must be around 40 years old by now. I used to wear it all the time, but now it has a few holes in it and I'm afraid of how delicate it is. However, the holes are hidden by tucking it into this skirt (seriously one of my best thrift store purchases ever... I wear it to death!) and clothes were meant to be worn, right?
Anyway, next time I do a post like this I should really take some of my own photos :P but it was really kind of fun digging these up from all over the net!
Work tomorrow and tech for Twelfth Night starts Tuesday which means I'm working late 3 days a week and only have one day off (Saturday for me) on weekends. This may mean you will here from me less... wish me luck!
So, I saw:
Thursday: my old high school's band concert and a lot of old friends. My old band teacher is retiring and a lot of alum came out to support him. It was really nice and afterwords a bunch of us (including our old yearbook teacher) went to our favorite local diner... and our old teach paid for our food on the school's dime! Haha, shush, don't tell :o

photo credits: school website, wikipedia
Friday: my old crew of high school friends for a sleepover in forest hills. We made sandwiches with brie, apple, and caramelized onions as well as chocolate banana boats. Yum.

photo credit: another print please
Saturday: Exit the King, my first Ionesco, which was SO fantastic, brilliant and absurd. I loved it and highly recommend it to anyone looking to see a really interesting, unique, and moving play which is both funny and terribly sad at the same time. The NY Times review does a better job than I can in describing it.

Geoffery Rush and Susan Sarandon

Lauren Ambrose and Andrea Martin

pictures: Exit the King on Broadway
I waited for them all at the stage door and they were just as wonderful in person as on stage. I got autographs and saw Susan Sarandon's whole fam, complete with a cute little white puppy dog and learned that Andrea Martin rides her bike to and from work - just like me! Also, Lauren Ambrose has played both Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) and Ophelia (Hamlet) at Shakespeare in the Park, where I am working this summer, and I think I officially want to be her.
Sunday: a great friend from school who just got back from Rome. We had lunch at Eli's, I satisfied my craving for a rainbow sprinkle cone, we wandered about and tried to see UP with two other friends, but it was all sold out. Movies are too expensive for me here anyway... $12.50, really? I just saw a freakin' Broadway show for only $26.50!

photos: Eli's Vinegar Factory, Pardon Me for Asking, The Girl Who Ate Everything, wikipedia
Also, I've been running into people left and right the past few days! I love how small this city is sometimes.
I Wore:

{vintage blouse, second hand reconned skirt, hand painted silk scarf, target sandals}
The blouse was my Aunt's way long ago, she bought it in Mexico when she was a teen, and gave it to me four or five years ago. It has the most gorgeous hand embroidery (I should have taken a close up) and must be around 40 years old by now. I used to wear it all the time, but now it has a few holes in it and I'm afraid of how delicate it is. However, the holes are hidden by tucking it into this skirt (seriously one of my best thrift store purchases ever... I wear it to death!) and clothes were meant to be worn, right?
Anyway, next time I do a post like this I should really take some of my own photos :P but it was really kind of fun digging these up from all over the net!
Work tomorrow and tech for Twelfth Night starts Tuesday which means I'm working late 3 days a week and only have one day off (Saturday for me) on weekends. This may mean you will here from me less... wish me luck!
p.s. Sorry no more nice roof outfit photos... now that it's nice out, it's way too crowded up there for me to take pictures!