Wow, two days in a row? Not gonna lie, I'm kind of impressed. However, this has got to be a quick post since tomorrow is my crazy day... eek. Gonna try to do a little more reading for Queer Performance (which I had for the first time today and I think is gonna be super interesting) and then go to bed. Setting the alarm for the dreaded hour of 8am. Ack. It's been a long time since I woke up that early... or since I went to sleep early for that matter. Hopefully I can manage.
I also had dance ("dance technique 1" ie: the dance class for baby baby beginners) for the first time today and I'm super psyched for it! The teacher is a crazy modern dancer who I worked with when I assistant stage managed the dance concert in the spring, and even though she moves a little fast, she's always willing to show stuff again and I think it'll be a fun break in my day and a good way to get in some nice aerobic exercise too... because I have a feeling my recent going to the gym kick is halting about... well... now. No time. Go figure.
Anyway, I wore this (but changed for dance):

{hanes men's undershirt, coup de cour skirt, h&m cardigan, mom's belt, target shoes}
I don't mean to look so disgruntled, really, I promise.
What's with me and the white and the brown and the yellow lately? I really don't know... honestly, when you say the colors "white, yellow, and brown" they don't sound terribly interesting or appealing, but for whatever reason I'm really liking them lately. Also totally matched my rehearsal bike again (calling it mine because I ride it across the stage in one 30 second scene change, haha) and still wanted to take a picture with it.
Anyway, eye candy for today (as you can see I'm enjoying this new little format and content idea) is pretty things that are brown, yellow and white. How creative of me! ;P
Chocolate. I love chocolate. Almost any kind will do, but I believe it's at it's best in dark and molten cake forms.

{, foodisluv}
The chocolate bar I am particularly savoring at the moment is this. Delish.
Sunflowers. Probably my favorite flower. I think.

{, prajna photography}
Puppies and kittens. Yeah, this is totally and completely shameless. Deal with it. You know you can't resist baby animals. It's just not possible.

{kecute, oregon city classifieds, must love dogs}

{,, the cute report}
And then there are polar bears. Does anyone remember Knut? I got to see him in person in the summer of 2007 but he was already starting to get a little less cute than he was here:

{Berlin Zoo}
Yeah... ok... uh... thanks for indulging me with that last part. Shall we all move along now and pretend that never happened? Ok, thanks.
I also had dance ("dance technique 1" ie: the dance class for baby baby beginners) for the first time today and I'm super psyched for it! The teacher is a crazy modern dancer who I worked with when I assistant stage managed the dance concert in the spring, and even though she moves a little fast, she's always willing to show stuff again and I think it'll be a fun break in my day and a good way to get in some nice aerobic exercise too... because I have a feeling my recent going to the gym kick is halting about... well... now. No time. Go figure.
Anyway, I wore this (but changed for dance):

{hanes men's undershirt, coup de cour skirt, h&m cardigan, mom's belt, target shoes}
I don't mean to look so disgruntled, really, I promise.
What's with me and the white and the brown and the yellow lately? I really don't know... honestly, when you say the colors "white, yellow, and brown" they don't sound terribly interesting or appealing, but for whatever reason I'm really liking them lately. Also totally matched my rehearsal bike again (calling it mine because I ride it across the stage in one 30 second scene change, haha) and still wanted to take a picture with it.
Anyway, eye candy for today (as you can see I'm enjoying this new little format and content idea) is pretty things that are brown, yellow and white. How creative of me! ;P
Chocolate. I love chocolate. Almost any kind will do, but I believe it's at it's best in dark and molten cake forms.

{, foodisluv}
The chocolate bar I am particularly savoring at the moment is this. Delish.
Sunflowers. Probably my favorite flower. I think.

{, prajna photography}
Puppies and kittens. Yeah, this is totally and completely shameless. Deal with it. You know you can't resist baby animals. It's just not possible.

{kecute, oregon city classifieds, must love dogs}

{,, the cute report}
And then there are polar bears. Does anyone remember Knut? I got to see him in person in the summer of 2007 but he was already starting to get a little less cute than he was here:

{Berlin Zoo}
Yeah... ok... uh... thanks for indulging me with that last part. Shall we all move along now and pretend that never happened? Ok, thanks.