This morning I got up early for visual comm at 9am (uck) which other than the 9am part will probably be a pretty good class. I had 20th Century European Culture and Intellectual Thought right after that, which as of about 2 hours ago I have already swapped for a Shakespeare and theory class ... haha. We did get out early though, which was good, because I was able to dash back to the house and gather a team of girls to move our large (and HEAVY) TV back upstairs (it was in the basement from rush week...) to watch the inauguration.
In the words of the fashion blogosphere:
I decided to wear a slightly patriotic outfit to commemorate the occasion.

{white top - h&m, vintage red cardigan, blue cords (from this shopping trip) - rugby,
snow boots - merrell, navy headband - bitten}
Also, I got paid back for "complaining" about how it wasn't cold yesterday. Today was cold. Seriously. And really snowy... boots 100% necessary. I did wear my awesome Erin Featherstone (for Target) long underwear under my cords though.

Sorry that's the best picture I could come up with online. If you click it should get much bigger. They have bunnies on them. I however do not agree with Target that wearing them with a dress is a "look." They are long underwear. They go under pants. Or function as pjs. Though I suppose the above model can pull it off.
Anyway, after watching the inauguration, I ate, relaxed, and stressed about whether or not I should switch out of the European history class (decision now made) and then went to my stage make-up class which seems like it's going to be awesome. Basically we have labs (almost) every week where we paint our faces and are graded on it. I mean, it's a little more complicated than that but I'm super psyched. I'll have to take pictures of my creations to share with you folks.
After I got home I helped move more furniture back upstairs (oh goodie) so we could have our first degree ceremony for our new members. I rocked my cream jovovich-hawk dress (also for target- yay target!) which of course one of the new members was wearing as well (one problem with target. haha). I also wore my vintage, white sam & libby bow ballet flats (all "white" is required for these things, matching is not).

(stole the picture of the flats from someone's ebay... my apologies)
After that we went to a barbecue type thing for dinner and I came home to finally, actually, read Medea. And write this. Gosh I am rambling.
Anyway, I will leave you with this:

Possibly my favorite part of the inauguration (sorry Obama, you were awesome too).
You rock that giant bow hat Aretha. Epic.
In the words of the fashion blogosphere:
I decided to wear a slightly patriotic outfit to commemorate the occasion.

{white top - h&m, vintage red cardigan, blue cords (from this shopping trip) - rugby,
snow boots - merrell, navy headband - bitten}
Also, I got paid back for "complaining" about how it wasn't cold yesterday. Today was cold. Seriously. And really snowy... boots 100% necessary. I did wear my awesome Erin Featherstone (for Target) long underwear under my cords though.

Sorry that's the best picture I could come up with online. If you click it should get much bigger. They have bunnies on them. I however do not agree with Target that wearing them with a dress is a "look." They are long underwear. They go under pants. Or function as pjs. Though I suppose the above model can pull it off.
Anyway, after watching the inauguration, I ate, relaxed, and stressed about whether or not I should switch out of the European history class (decision now made) and then went to my stage make-up class which seems like it's going to be awesome. Basically we have labs (almost) every week where we paint our faces and are graded on it. I mean, it's a little more complicated than that but I'm super psyched. I'll have to take pictures of my creations to share with you folks.
After I got home I helped move more furniture back upstairs (oh goodie) so we could have our first degree ceremony for our new members. I rocked my cream jovovich-hawk dress (also for target- yay target!) which of course one of the new members was wearing as well (one problem with target. haha). I also wore my vintage, white sam & libby bow ballet flats (all "white" is required for these things, matching is not).

(stole the picture of the flats from someone's ebay... my apologies)
After that we went to a barbecue type thing for dinner and I came home to finally, actually, read Medea. And write this. Gosh I am rambling.
Anyway, I will leave you with this:

Possibly my favorite part of the inauguration (sorry Obama, you were awesome too).
You rock that giant bow hat Aretha. Epic.
your white bow flats are adorable!
I love how bright your outfit is.